Many of you will have seen Beth Johnson’s fantastic post on EACR notices, highlighting ways to stay engaged in ringing blogs etc during lockdown – for those that haven’t, it’s copied here:
Hello everyone
During this time of not ringing, would you like to link up to some blogs/podcasts/downloads of ringing related information?
On the main CCCBR website are regular features about how ringing is coping during the shut-down. See for information about the Ringing Returns campaign. Scroll back and forward via the arrows at the foot of the page to see other features, including the President’s Blog which is published every other Saturday. The blog can also be accessed here:
You can read or download editions of ART WORKS, the newsletter from the Association of Ringing Teachers here:
ART also publishes a magazine Tower Talk, by new ringers for new ringers – the link to the latest edition for download is here:
As with ART WORKS these two ART publications are available free for any ringer – you do not need to be a member of ART.
A favourite blog of mine is by Mary Jones, the Accidental Ringer. Her almost daily articles are generally ringing based, although sometimes she may add in other ideas, but it is always a fun and informative read. Find her work here:
Maybe you love podcasts or maybe you’ve never tried them (just think it’s like the radio but you can choose your programme any time) – how about giving this one a go: This is hosted by Cathy Booth, not a ringer herself but her husband Roger has rung since he was ten, so she is well informed. She covers lots of interesting topics, the latest is ’15 tips to improve your striking’ and her interviews include a great one with Nigel Taylor here:
Are you signed up with FaceBook? There are several bell ringing groups, including several districts such as “Southern District – EACR”, “South Eastern District – EACR” and so on. You can also follow “EssexBells”, “Bellringers” and “Essex Ringing”. Some people are concerned about security on FaceBook but you can set your privacy controls to restrict information that is shared, and there is a lot of good information on these various pages.
If anyone has any ideas to share at this time, just send them to me and I’ll circulate them to the list.
Keep well!
Best wishes